Breeann & Trevor Doerksen and their family live on a 160 acre family farm in rural Bulkley Valley. They are committed to raising their family in the valley and living a traditional rural lifestyle.
The Doerksens first acquired bees in 2017 and have been expanding their apiary every year since. Their bees forage on the lush natural flora of the Bulkley Valley and the Doerksen family works hard to provide quality honey and hive products to their customers.
We're excited to be starting a brand new collaboration with Amy and Fabio of Dolly's Fish Market in Prince Rupert. Dolly's buys their fresh fish from local Prince Rupert fisherman and do all their processing on site for quality control and to lock in the freshness! Enjoy the bounty of the Pacific Northwest with a huge selection of seafood!
Price Creek Farm owners Waldemar and Olga Hocha are immigrants to Canada who embrace and are instilling in their young family the will and skills to live a healthy, natural lifestyle. From a very young age all of their children are taught the importance of good food for a strong body and mind. The family works collaboratively to be self-sustaining and to share the benefits of this natural and healthy lifestyle with those they meet and share community with. Through the produce of their farm, their labours and their knowledge of wild plants they pass a heritage of the value of good food to those around them.